Thursday, June 16, 2011

LOOK WHO'S 1....


This was such a special day for Kaden.  He is such a joy in our home and we are so grateful for his sweet spirit.  Kaden was born June 7th, 2010 at Timpanogos Regional Medical Center.  He came 4 weeks early and weighed 5 pounds 15 ounces and 19 inches long.  I delivered him with no epidural, no pain meds (NOT BY CHOICE) and not even a doctor was there.  After being 10 weeks on strict bed rest, yep my water broke and we hurried like hell to provo.  Leaving Cody to sleep all alone and calling my dad on our way out we zoomed to provo.  Upon arriving I was hardly dialated, so the nurse seemed like there would be no hurry... oh was she ever wrong!  I delivered Kaden after 18 minutes upon arrival to the hospital.  I (screaming the worst scream ever) told Spencer to get the nurse because he was coming.  I remember Spencer rushing to the door and with only his head out the door yelled for a nurse.  She ran down the hall and in just enough time to get over to me caught Kaden in her arms.  OUCH!  Then Kaden's loud scream filled the room...such a relief!  Spencer bursed into tears, holding me, just telling me over and over he wishes there was someway he could have taken the pain of the most tender moments that I will always treasure dear to my heart. 

Kaden, you are a blessing to us...and can't believe you're already one years old!  He loves bath time, swimming, playing peek-a-boo, patty cake, chasing Cody, and loves our dog Sadie and cat.  Kaden has the cutest little laugh that almost sounds like a sweet little bummer lamb and darling curls in his hair that are starting to turn blonde!  We had a BBQ, presents, yummy cake, sparklers, tramp, balloons, family, cake, cake and more cake....


Ahhhh, typical Sunday!
Mornings begin with yummy breakfast and church movies, then dressed to match.  Spencer cooked a roast to die for.  Cooked for 18 hours on warm and came out looking like prime rib!  After a movie and nap with my boys a fourwheeler ride always ends the day just right...



Nick, Cody, and littl' pals!
From fourwheelers, bikes, baseball, swing set, tramp, water fights, hide and go seek, cartoons, otter pops, cowboys and indians....these little yahoo's were ready for some yummy lunch!  Summers ROCK :)



We get to Timpanogos High School early to get costume, hair, and makeup done and we find out they are performing on a stage.   TOTAL PANIC FOR ME....All I can think about is them going blank, getting scared and lot's of tears.  I took them out on the stage a few minutes before the competition began and told them where I would be sitting (which you could hardly even see) and to just do the best they can and smile.  PANIC, PANIC, PANIC....Breathe Britt Breathe....

OH MY LAR.....The two little stinkers were AWESOME!  They did the routine the BEST EVER!  Nailed the whole thing and smiled non stop!  I don't want to sound braggy but oh my I am so proud of him!  Enjoy some of his moves in these cute pictures....

                                              Before Awards                       After Awards :)
Wonderful Grandparent Support

                                                             Proud Parents of a Dancer

Celebrated at BBQ!

Next day was AWESOME, and couldn't have made it through without Jadie.  We stayed over at my aunt Melissa's in Mapleton and started our day out early.  Over 30 routines and 275+ participants = fun, fun, fun!  Acclereated Team's did phenomenal and earned a DIAMOND AWARD! 

New Member of our Family....

Spencer has done it again....

ANOTHER FOURWHEELER!  BUT this one has my approval!  I told him when we have more fourwheelers than number of people in our family there is a problem...LOL!  I can't blame him because outdoor recreation has always been a huge part of his life, and was apart of one of our first dates!  I think it was the time he took me out to the sand dunes on his banshee and having to hold onto him so close is what did it for me!  He traded our green 4-wheeler for this one and man does it have some speed!  It's our new tradition to go on a Sunday fourwheeler ride together as a couple.  It's so nice to just leave the kids outside playing for a few minutes while we drive the loop or ride up the canyon for a quick minute together.  He is a show off and is always trying to impress Cody with new tricks on it.  Can't wait to take it out to the dunes, it came with paddle tires so we will be all Cody is wanting a mini version for him!


Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Easter Sunday!  Always my favorite :)  I have a thing with matching on Sundays.  Maybe because my mom always had all of her kids in matching outfits...something that just kind of stuck with me.  Shopped all over to find the perfect sunday best.  Love them and my boys look so handsome!  Kaden's curly hair and all :)  It was a beautiful sabbath filled with love in our home for our Savior. 

Friday night we pulled our camp trailor up in the north hill of Moroni where Cody and Spencer camped.  Kaden and I stayed home but went up to roast hotdogs and marshmellow with my neices :)  Cody learned how to ride a bike without training wheels.  And then Saturday morning went to the Moroni park and had an easter egg hunt.

We have a family tradition of doing the "Easter Bunny."  Waking up to candy, and baskets full of summer fun items such as new matching shirts, cotton candy, dive rings, movies, shoes, etc.  Last year the easter bunny brought Cody a tramp that blew away, so we surprised him with another one. 

Then we ate a beautiful sunday dinner at Spencer's parents house in Moroni. 
Then later went out to the farm and had an Easter egg hunt and dessert.
My parents got two bummer lambs and named them Ruth and Ray after my great grandparents.  Here is Ruth, or maybe it's Ray.  LOL!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

May not have my GIRL, but I have my DANCER!!

Just Dance attended the annual Dixie Jam, hosted by Dance America in St. George.  It was a blast!  We stayed at Liz and Peggy's condo and enjoyed the 80 degree weather.  Shopping, dancing, sunshine, and cafe rio was right what I needed.  Solo competition was held Friday April 13th and Team competition Saturday.

My neice Addelyn was AMAZING as she danced to Orange Colored Sky!  She nailed those double pirouettes, leg lift, extension, backwalkover, and of course her showmanship!  Way to go Addelyn...took 1ST PLACE over 4 other girls in her division.

Cody and his cousin Lakely peformed a jazz duet to "Tale Spin."  Oh my gosh, they were absolutely adorable!  We were not planning on having them attend this competition because we honestly didn't practice much.  They both bauled their little eyes out so we paid the late fee and registered.  We practiced only 5 times and wow they stole the show.  They placed HIGH GOLD and also the JUDGES CHOICE out of 28 teams!   


Accelerated B "Masquerade"

 Accelerated A & B "Take me out to the Ballgame!"