Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Easter Sunday!  Always my favorite :)  I have a thing with matching on Sundays.  Maybe because my mom always had all of her kids in matching outfits...something that just kind of stuck with me.  Shopped all over to find the perfect sunday best.  Love them and my boys look so handsome!  Kaden's curly hair and all :)  It was a beautiful sabbath filled with love in our home for our Savior. 

Friday night we pulled our camp trailor up in the north hill of Moroni where Cody and Spencer camped.  Kaden and I stayed home but went up to roast hotdogs and marshmellow with my neices :)  Cody learned how to ride a bike without training wheels.  And then Saturday morning went to the Moroni park and had an easter egg hunt.

We have a family tradition of doing the "Easter Bunny."  Waking up to candy, and baskets full of summer fun items such as new matching shirts, cotton candy, dive rings, movies, shoes, etc.  Last year the easter bunny brought Cody a tramp that blew away, so we surprised him with another one. 

Then we ate a beautiful sunday dinner at Spencer's parents house in Moroni. 
Then later went out to the farm and had an Easter egg hunt and dessert.
My parents got two bummer lambs and named them Ruth and Ray after my great grandparents.  Here is Ruth, or maybe it's Ray.  LOL!