Dr. Later at Utah Valley Pediatrics diagnosed Kaden with RSV (on a Friday) and a double ear infection. So, we went home with a nebulizer, and antibiotics. I am grateful for my nursing skills and knowledge to know that by the next day he was in terrible shape. I took him to the suction clinic at Utah Valley and upon arrival his 02 stats were 82%. After suction he was up at 95% but retracting. He wouldn't eat and had horrible diarrhea. I insisted that they keep him overnight which turned out to be 6 days of hospitalization at Utah Valley. It took 4 nurses and 7 pokes to insert his IV. Kaden had suction every 4-6 hours, oxygen, IV antibiotics, and fluids. Second day was scary, thought he was going to ICU....
He literally slept the entire first 3 days. On the fourth day he did get a little apetite but only wanting to eat 2-3 ounces every 6 hours. Each day he was able to eat more and more. It was so comforting to know that he had great dr.'s and nurses taking good care of him!
While he slept I got to go shopping! Bought me some new running shoes, clothes, home decor and had a pedicure! I watched lot's of tv: The Dr.'s, Oprah, Dr. Phil :)
While he slept I got to go shopping! Bought me some new running shoes, clothes, home decor and had a pedicure! I watched lot's of tv: The Dr.'s, Oprah, Dr. Phil :)
Kaden had visitors including: Grandma Peggy, Grandpa George, Spencer, Grannie Annie and Grandpa Gary. It was so nice to get a small break. My mom and dad took me out to eat at the Texas Roadhouse...yum! And my mom even surprised me and came up with a cafe rio salad and said she would stay the night with him so I could go home, we had a good talk for hours before I headed out...then I locked my freakin' keys in my trunk :( Thank heavens for hospital security to bail me out! Then on the way home a blizzard,nearly slid of the road, oh and had no gas in my car because I lost my debit card while shopping and hadno cash so literally sputtered in my garage
just in time! I surprised Spencer and Cody at 11:00pm and oh..... were they ever excited!
just in time! I surprised Spencer and Cody at 11:00pm and oh..... were they ever excited!
By the forth day he was climbing up in his crib and jumping around. He was so dang cute and so
I loved singing him my favorite bedtime song....
We will go to grandma's.
Up the hill, by the mill,
to see the little lambies.
I see the moon the moon see's me
Way up 'ore the old oak tree.
Please let the light that shines on you
Shine on the one I love!
Over the mountain over the seas,
Back where my heart is longing to be.
Please let the light that shines on you,
Shine on the one I love!"
Song from my dear Grandma Barton
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