My preterm journey began at only 18 weeks pregnant...
I struggled with this when I was pregnant with Kaden but not until I was nearly 24 weeks. This was expected but just not this EARLY!! I called my dr late one night and they said they wouldn't be able to put me on the monitors or stop anything until 20 weeks. So, I tried to make arrangements with work to make it possible to get through the next couple of weeks safely.
At 21 weeks contractions hit me after struggling with a migraine-- I was having contractions consistently every 5-8 minutes. I woke up Spencer and said we needed to get up there quick. Praying the whole way up we ended up staying most the night--fetal fibrinectin test showed negative so after a few more hours on the monitors and getting a shot of terbutaline we were able to go home--
After that night I struggled daily with contractions---some days were worse than others but the medication worked well and kept them under control for most the time.
At 24 weeks, I was on my way to teach some classes in Mt. Pleasant (and had actually had a sub for my first two classes because I felt so awful with a migraine)-but contractions started and were pretty strong. I tried my mom but she didn't answer so I called Liz and she said to stop into the hospital and she would meet me there. It was about an hour being in Mt. Pleasant when my dr. felt that I should go up. Spencer met me in Moroni and we headed north. Once we got to Timpinogos Hospital they gave me a shot of terbutaline and did a fetal-fibrinectin test that came back negative and sent me home again. They explained that I gain a tolerance to the terbutaline and the subcutaneous injection (shot) was really the only thing that would stop them when they get that bad.
The worst and scariest happened at 30 weeks...
This was me the day before I was hospitalized-- at 30 weeks 1 day. |
On Saturday May 18th, my sister Bailey was competing at the Miss Ephraim Scholarship pageant. I also had my Extreme Team dance group performing. That morning I woke up again just feeling crappy--almost like I had the flu or something. I slept most the afternoon and even considered not going at all. I was really tired but went to support Bailey who I was SO PROUD OF!! She nailed it and won the title. After the pageant we went to at Los Amigos and not too long after getting back home contractions hit me like a ton of bricks...we headed north AGAIN.
6 little ladies: Mom, Me (Carrington), Bailey, Katie (Baby Girl) |
This time, I was having contractions every 2 minutes lasting 60-70 seconds. They immediately called the dr and he did all kinds of emergency measures to keep me from delivering but also took steps in case I did have her. I was given 6 gram bolus IV of magnesium. I had an amazing nurse and she told me that 4 grams is normal and that this will hit me like a train. She said I will get sick from it and maybe even feel like I have an out of body experience. So in went the IV, along with preventative antibiotics, the magnesium, and also administered the betamethazone shots for her lungs. Since they didn't want me to get up even to get out of bed I had a catheter placed.
About 15 minutes into it, I remember asking if I should feel fuzzy--she said ya and maybe really hot or cold. I immediately burned up and said I was going to throw up--which I did after passing out. It was miserable and a very crazy feeling that I just can't explain--other than it felt like I had died or was going to die. They said the magnesium not only helps slow contractions by vasodilation and relaxation of smooth muscle, but also coats the babies neurological system so if she were to be born she wouldn't be over stimulated.
It helped--contractions slowed down to every 5 minutes. They kept me in the hospital until the following Monday with strict orders of complete bed rest....and that's why I am blogging so much. I haven't blogged in nearly 2 years!! My sweet nieces Kortlyn and Lakely made me some cute flower pictures that I hung in my hospital room!
Every day is a blessing and one more day of her not being in the NICU, so just getting through day to day has been hard but motivational. It's hard to just sit in bed all day--my back, legs and hips kill but I would honestly do anything for my baby girl Carrington. We are truly blessed to have such an amazing and supportive family. I miss the boys like crazy but know that they are in really good hands!!
Bailey came over and gave me a facial and a sugar peppermint foot scrub :)
My days consist of sleeping, working from my laptop, eating in bed, TV, blogging, a 5 minute shower, and only getting up to and from the bathroom. I have been overwhelmed with the sweet calls, texts, visits, sip it drinks, messages, meals and so much more. I am blessed to have such an awesome ward who has done so much! Circumstances like this sure show you who truly love you and have genuine hearts. Of all the weeks to be in bed is been a week of 4 auditions for dance and cheer. I honestly could not have done it without Samantha, she is a gem and one of the most caring and helpful person I know--especially when it comes to dance. She is one of my very best friends!
As of today I am 31 weeks and 3 days--Our first goal is 32 weeks! It has felt like a dream knowing that I will get a little girl--but everyday it is feeling more and more real. I cannot wait to meet my CARRINGTON ANN VIOLA!